This year will be my 5th year holding a torch and it’s going to be the hardest one!! This year and the years to come will be in honor of my person. I’m not sure I can do it without Michelle but I’m hoping everyone who loved her will be there to help take the steps I need to honor her. Please donate so I can reach my goal 💕 #noonefightsalone #smilemore In a sea of pink I’ll always go searching for you! 💕
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My 2021 Flames of Hope Torch Fundraising Page
Ashley Arruda
Ashley Arruda
Please help me support Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar I raise will advance Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation's great cause! Additionally, you can ask me how you can get involved too.
Together, we can make a difference!
Together, we can make a difference!