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My 2023 GloriDays Fundraising Page

Lee Anne Clift

Lee Anne Clift

Hi friends! I've decided to walk another 44 miles this June to support the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation. This year I have another friend about to begin her battle. Please help her and so many others by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar I raise will advance Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation's great cause! Additionally, you can ask me how you can get involved too.
Together, we can make a difference!


raised of $1,500 goal
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Recent Donations

Stacey DeSousa Rosa$50
for LeeAnne Clift
Tammy brierley$100
Good luck sister love you xoxo
kimberly t clift$50
love you,, Kim
Pat Silva$50
Carla Sepe$50
Pauline Blais$20
Laurie Miller$50
Good luck Lee Anne!
Donna Arruda$100
Thank you for your support to such a worthy cause! You are awesome!
Nancy Boardman$25
Janice M Krawczyk$50
Beth Bryant$25
Sheila M DiCarlo$25
Lee Amore$100
Go Lee Anne! Thanks for all your efforts
Scott DiChristofero$250
Maryellen Fricot$50
Lori Cardin$50
Get it girl!
Jeffrey Pallotta$50
Linda ashton$50
Janet Fitzgerald$25
Enjoy the walk!!
Thomas Head$50
Erika Clift$50
Marie Eddy$100
Elizabeth Grivers$25
Pat Silva$50
Nancy Boardman$25
Patricia Grover$50
Thank you Lee Anne!!!
Member of

Team Pink Crusaders Behind The Badge
